Save Money on Your Next Vacation, With Geocaching #TravelCaching

We love travel and we love to save money on vacation.  And of course we love exploring all the different destinations that we visit.  Whether we are road tripping it across the USA, hanging out in Seattle for a weekend, or traveling to Dublin or even Cambodia, we are always looking for fun and inexpensive things to do.  That’s where our hobby of Geocaching has come in handy.  Geocaching is an inexpensive way to explore a destination, and it provides a pretty fun and unique way to do it.

Not familiar with Geocaching? Learn more by reading our stories “What is Geocaching” and “Why Go Geocaching.”

Geocaching FTF Adventure Macau thrid to find
Geocaching in Macau, China

Save Money on Vacation – #TravelCaching, Combining Travel and Geocaching

We’ve dubbed this type of travel “Travel Geocaching,” or “TravelCaching” for short.  The great thing about TravelCaching is that you can do it however you want.

Wandering around Hong Kong, we decided to stop to find this geocache - in a beautiful hidden park on a rooftop!
Wandering around Hong Kong, we decided to stop to find this geocache – in a beautiful hidden park on a rooftop!

If you are a new or casual geocacher, then you can combine a bit of caching here and there during your trip to enhance your travels.  If you are a hardcore Geocacher, then you may plan an entire trip around GeoTours / Trails that you want to complete so you can improve your stats and earn rewards.

So it’s entirely up to you how you want to combine Geocaching with your travels!

We found this geocache while strolling through beautiful Piedmont Park in Atlanta, Georgia!
We found this geocache while strolling through a beautiful park in Hong Kong.

Why Go Geocaching on Your Next Vacation?

There are so many reasons why you might want to go Geocaching during your next trip.  Below are some of our top reasons for Travel Caching:

Reasons to go Travel Caching

Who Needs a Tour Guide?  GeoTours & GeoTrails Give You a Tour of a Destination

Planning out our Geocaching travel adventures has been made a lot easier by our discovery of GeoTours & GeoTrails!

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GeoTours (or GeoTrails) is a “Tour” of a destination through a series of geocaches that are set up by an organization or individual.

There are a wide variety of tours all over the world, and especially in the USA.  In fact, many state and local tourism boards have discovered how Geocaching can enhance a tourist’s experience through GeoTours or GeoTrails.

Stamping our passport while doing the Jackson County GeoTrail in Georgia!
Stamping our passport while doing the Jackson County GeoTrail in Georgia!

Each GeoTour or GeoTrail is unique and often provides an entertaining and deeper understanding of the destination.  Some will have specific themes, while others will have prizes at the end for finishing the entire tour.

Collect cards from the Georgia State Historic Sights tour, and you can turn in for special coins!
Collect cards from the Georgia State Historic Sights tour, and you can turn in for special coins!

So why pay for a tour guide if Geocaching can take you on a tour!  In fact, on multiple occasions we have been on vacation and touring a city through Geocaching — and we were standing alongside people and their paid tour guide.  Yet, we didn’t have to pay for the tour!

New TravelCaching Resources Available to Make Planning Your Trip Easy

GeoTours & GeoTrails are such a cool way to explore when you travel!  So we wanted to make it easy for our readers to browse GeoTours & GeoTrails by region, and help them plan their trip!

We have created a sub-page on our “Geocaching” section of our website specifically for GeoTrails & GeoTours.

This page provides a in-depth list of Geotours and Geotrails both in the US and internationally. They are organized by state and by country, along with links to their official pages so you can find out more information about them. You may even be able to browse some of the caches, and download passports to prepare for the trip!

Find GeoTours, Then Plan Out Your Trip

Once you find the Tours & Trails that you want to do, then you can set out planning the rest of your trip.  Whether you are looking for hotels, rental cars, or fun activities to do during your trip, we’ve put everything in one place for you to plan your entire adventure!

Have Fun Planning Your Next Adventure

Regardless of the type of traveler you are, there is some element of Geocaching that will appeal to you.  We hope you find these resources helpful in planning your trip.

Our goal is to inspire you and give you easy access to Geocaching adventures, while making it easy to plan your trip!

Happy Travels & Happy Caching!

#TravelCaching FB
Creative Commons Endless Possibilities” by Zach Dischner is licensed under CC BY 2.0

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#TravelCaching Pin
Creative Commons Desert Road” by William Warby is licensed under CC BY 2.0

7 thoughts on “Save Money on Your Next Vacation, With Geocaching #TravelCaching”

  1. Adrenaline Romance

    We heard of geocaching, and it seems to be a fun activity that really encourages you to travel. Now, we want to buy a GPS and join the fun!

    1. Hi Guys. Once you go on your first Geocaching Adventure and discover that first cache… You will be hooked. Make sure to check out our Geocaching 101 section to help you get started.


  2. What an original idea to explore a city! I always have it difficult to sit still while one holiday, because there is so much to see. I would love to try this one day!

    1. Thanks for reading Hannah – we are so glad to hear that we could share something unique with you. Hopefully you have some time to check it out in the future!

      Happy exploring!
      – Liz

    1. Thanks for reading Jen, and for the comment. We hope you can try it out some time — a really great way to explore and save money!

      Happy Travels!

      – Liz

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