puppy laughing at funny camping memes

35 Funny Camping Memes That Make Us Laugh Out Loud

Camping. It’s one of those things that either you love, or you loathe. If you love it, then you are all in. You love hanging out by the campfire, breathing in the fresh air, and being surrounded by nature. If you are not a fan of camping, then you probably think it’s strange that how modern humans have all the comforts of home…and then go out into the wilderness to be less than comfy.

But some campers may think, “why not have the comforts of home?”

No Judgement Here, Just Laughs!

If you are a camper, then you know there’s a wide variety of the type of campers out there and different ways to go camping. There are the rugged adventurers who love hiking with their backpack for days at a time, and camping out under the stars or in a popup tent along the way. Now that’s probably one of the best ways to get in touch with nature.

Then there are the RVer’s. 

Those who drive massive RVs complete with every convenience you could imagine, including RV wifi, comfy beds, multiple TVs and even indoor fireplaces. For RVs with all these features, it’s like being a turtle where you can bring all the comforts of home with you into beautiful nature.  With so many different types of RVs out there in all shapes and sizes, there’s something for every type of camper.

Some could hardly call this camping. But who cares! 

Tents Collapsing, Bears, Campfire Fiascos…It Happens!

Having grown up in a camping family, I’m well familiar with all the different ways to enjoy RV travel and camping. As a kid, we spent almost every weekend during the summer camping somewhere in my home state of Idaho – where there’s a lot of pretty amazing wilderness to choose from. And I’ve done it all. Camping in a tent, truck camper, campervan, trailers and giant motorhomes. 

Over the years I’ve struggled to put up a tent in a sandstorm, had tents fall down on me, and woke up with my sleeping bag soaked in a puddle. I’ve also witnessed campfire fiascos, wildlife intrusions, and stumbling around in the dark trying to find the way to the bathroom. 

And then there are the RVs. We love RV camping. But even we sometimes look at a setup and think “now that’s a little excessive.” Or “wow that RV is nicer than my house!” 

We can’t help but laugh at some of the different setups we’ve seen. So we thought it would be fun to gather some of our favorite funny camping memes that make us giggle because deep down, we know they’re true. And many of you campers out there I’m sure will totally relate!

Camping Memes That Sum Up Our Thoughts Perfectly!


jim gaffigan funny camping meme invented

I gotta admit, I LOVE this meme! First, Jim Gaffigan is hilarious. And I can just imagine hearing him deliver this line in his sarcastic tone. Sometimes I wonder if Josh thought this about me when I would talk about camping growing up…

funny camping meme carrying dog poop talking to people in an RV park

THIS — 1,000 times over!  This is the truest Meme of all for us. Josh and I often joke with each other about this exact scenario when walking Hana around the RV parks. Plus, she’s so adorable people always want to come up and pet her. So naturally, we start chatting…and the poop just hangs out with us. And yes, in our PJs…


funny camping meme of campfire no one has beers around a microwave

True story. There’s something about a campfire that’s soothing and relaxing, and especially when you are cooking the food even tastes better. But you have to laugh imagining people standing around the microwave with beers. 

funny camping meme of bear at lake laughing about people in sleeping bags are like soft tacos

I’m obsessed with tacos. And I love a good sarcastic bear meme. So thinking of people in sleeping bags as tacos always gives me a chuckle. 

baby sitting in camping chair judging face about parents setting up a tent meme

Been there!!! I literally remember as a kid my parents trying out a new tent in our backyard, and it went pretty much like this. I’m sure many of you out there can relate. Plus the judging baby face is priceless.

funny camping meme bear on tent go camping, it will be fun they said

Growing up in a camping family, I’ve heard so many stories of animals crashing the campsite. And I can definitely picture some of my relatives saying this exact phrase with intense sarcasm “go camping, they said. It’ll be fun they said.” 

funny camping meme about campfire being on fire

Why is it that campfires are so hard to light when you need them? We always seem to go through a ton of paper and matches to get the fire going. So whenever we can get a roaring campfire, we pretty much feel exactly like this!  We’re practically giving ourselves applause for a fire that stays lit for more than a few minutes and allows us to cook anything!

funny camping dog meme yelling cold

LOL – this face sums it up perfectly! This is exactly how I feel when exiting bed or a tent on a cold mountain morning. 100% accurate.

funny camping meme man screaming about eating last marshmallow

When you actually remember to bring the marshmallows with you camping, then it’s a win. But if you are too late to snag one, it’s a tragedy. 

funny camping meme of 2 people outside tent cooking over fire - camping is spending a small fortune to live like a homeless person

This meme gets me every time! There are different versions of it floating around online, but it is so true! The amount of money we spend on camping gear is completely insane. How such small and simple things can be so expensive is mindblowing. And the fact that we are choosing to do this is all the more ironic.

funny camping meme forgot snacks at campfire shocked faces

This is the EXACT face that Josh and I make to each other when we realize we forgot the marshmallows for s’mores. Of if we realize we don’t have enough chocolate.  It’s a sad sad moment.

So I have to admit, I have gone on “accidental” multi-mile hikes in flip flops on numerous occasions. Sometimes I’m just out for a walk exploring, taking a trail here or there, then next thing you know, I might as well finish the darn thing. In my flip flops. It happens. 

funny camping meme rv life missing full size bathtub

All you other full-time RVer’s out there have got to relate to this one!!!  I can’t tell you how many times I missed having a big bathtub at night while living in our RV. That’s part of the reason we ended up staying in RV parks with hot tubs. First world problems, I know. 

man sleeping in tent that fell down with meme caption nailed it funny

Having had a tent fall on me numerous times during the night when I was a kid (and teenager), this pic brings back a lot of memories. Good for him for making it work and getting a comfy night’s sleep.

funny camping meme what doesn't kill you makes you strong, except bears they will kill you dead

Loving this. True story and wise advice to always keep in mind when you are out camping.

funny rv camping meme about kids not being able to find the house to move back in

This one makes me laugh because I think of my parents. They are retired and have RV’ed extensively over the years. Sometimes us kids really have no idea where they are. So there you go!

funny camping meme man in suit with tree on back you boys ready for a real campfire

Hehehe, his outfit is fantastic and I love the determination with which he is walking. With this caption, I really feel like something epic is about to happen. And I could see some people, like my dad, doing something like this.

funny camping meme about vanlife starter home

Well, what can you say! Many others in my generation probably feel this way too. Josh and I can certainly understand the feeling when we were looking for our first home. Living in a van is pretty tempting!


flooded raining campsite with picnic table and tent funny camping meme about the great weather

Rain!!!!!  Probably the worth thing to deal with when camping, especially if you are in a tent. There always seems to be a hidden hole in that tent that will end up becoming a lake — of course, during the middle of the night when you are sleeping too!


funny camping meme horse standing in tent got room for one more?


This pic is so weird I can’t help but laugh out loud. I can just imagine a friendly horse trying to snuggle up in the tent with you…


funny camping meme of kids in sleeping bags waking up to bear caption well... shit.

This right here sums it up perfectly. I literally think this would be my exact reaction – simple and to the point. And I’d be frozen in place wondering what the heck to do! Definitely a fear of mine when out in a tent in the woods.


funny camping meme with sleeping hunter while deer eats food - it's a bad day when dinner eats your lunch

Having a family full of hunters, I get a chuckle out of this one especially when I think of all the hunting stories I’ve heard over the years. I love it!


funny camping meme about smoke following you in every direction

Every single time. My grandfather used to tell me that “smoke followed beauty.” But my thought is that it just follows any warm-blooded human who seems to be moving around to avoid the smoke! 


funny camping meme about bringing the whole bar with their rv trailer

We all know these types of campers out there! And this is a pretty impressive bar set up, something to be proud of for sure. Bring on the party with a view!


funny camping meme about sweater smelling like campfire

It blows my mind just how much campfire smell can be absorbed into your clothes, and how long it can stay there! We resorted to keeping our campfire clothes totally separate because it will make everything smell!


funny camping rv meme about grabbing their house

Hahahaha! As RV campers, I kinda feel this way too. We are spoiled to have all the luxuries of home with us, and I’m sure some of the more rugged campers out there smugly talk crap about us RVer’s – haha!


funny camping meme with raccoon going to raid the campsite

Sometimes it’s a game in the morning to play — “hmmm, what do you think was in the camp last night?” As you look around and notice things are out of place, even after you thought everything was put away well.


glamping funny camping meme about having a pool and bowling alley

Have any of you gone Glamping before? I mean, this looks pretty awesome to me!


funny dog camping meme burning toy sticks in fire

Awww, I can just picture my poor dog’s face like “what on Earth are you doing?!?!” When you put it this way, it just sounds so tragic…


funny camping meme living in a van by a river is now a life goal

True story!!! Before even seeing this Meme Josh and I would always joke about this, since we are huge Farley fans and love quoting that famous SNL skit. 


funny camping meme glamping tent ok fine i'll go camping

We all know someone who would change their mind about camping if their set up was like this. 


funny camping meme about fitting tent in bag with kid fist pump

Why is this so true?!?!  A tent will seriously never fit back into its bag properly. Why can’t they make them just slightly bigger so I don’t strain myself trying to force it…but always just being a little bit too big?!?!


cartoon camping meme about roughing it with tv outside

I laugh every time I see someone outside their RV with the TV on! Even Josh.  I’m not a TV fan in general, but I never quite understood the need to watch TV when you are out in nature surrounded by such beauty and tranquility.


funny camping meme this is still roughing it right? with big rv, golf card, satelite dish

And finally, this this right here. Do you think this is “roughing it?”


Do You Have a Favorite Funny Camping Meme? Share With Us!

We’d love to hear about your favorite camping memes that make you laugh out loud. Maybe you have even made your own. Feel free to share with us, since we’re always up for a good laugh!

Happy camping to you! (however you wish to do it)


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