2 Minute Vacation: Golden Spires of the Grand Palace Bangkok, Thailand

When planning a visit to Thailand, most visitors will spend some time in Bangkok.  And one of the top things to do in Bangkok is visiting the Grand Palace.  Dating back to 1782, the Grand Palace in Bangkok, Thailand is located in the central part of the city.  Easily accessible by public transportation, including tuk-tuks, taxis, and even boats on the nearby river, the grand palace is truly a site to behold. With golden spires and intricate mosaics of colorful tile, the palace is a masterpiece.  This Thai Palace is also home to the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, Thailand’s most sacred site. While the palace is no longer the official Royal residence, it is still used for special occasions and ceremonies.

** Read More – 5 Things to Avoid in Bangkok

Take a Virtual Vacation to The Grand Palace Bangkok, Thailand!

Are you in need of a mini vacation?  Well turn up your speakers and take 2 minutes out of your day (okay, in this case nearly 3 minutes) to enjoy this virtual vacation of the Grand Palace Bangkok, Thailand!

Tips for Planning your Visit to the Grand Palace Bangkok, Thailand

  • You will easily spend a couple hours exploring the palace.
  • Operating hours are from 8:30 am – 3:30 pm (unless there is an event)
  • Admission is around 400 baht (a little over $12 USD)
  • English guided tours are available a few times a day, for an additional $100.
  • DO NOT believe the locals lingering outside the palace who will tell you it is closed. This is a scam to try and get you to go on their tours elsewhere (shops where they make commission).  Just ignore them and go to the palace anyway.
  • Dress code!  This is a sacred and religious site.  Be sure to cover your arms, legs, and bare feet (at least with socks – sandals alone are not ok).  If you show up in shorts or a tank top, you will have to cover up or rent clothes onsite.  While this lovely frock, is not very stylish, it is convenient to have the option if you don’t plan your attire appropriately.
Liz's model's her rented shirt at the Grand Palace Bangkok, Thailand
Liz’s models her rented shirt at the Grand Palace Bangkok, Thailand

Doesn’t this make you want to visit Thailand?!?  Check out our Thailand Travel Guide!

Sightseeing, Tours, Attractions and Things to do in Bangkok

2 thoughts on “2 Minute Vacation: Golden Spires of the Grand Palace Bangkok, Thailand”

  1. I’m glad we had the opportunity to visit the Royal Palace in Bangkok in January before the military took over the government. Things were kind of tense even then and there were plenty of armed soldiers around the palace. One of our favorite finds there was not the Emerald Buddha, but rather a sign in the mens room of which my husband had the temerity to take a photo (despite all the signs about not taking photos indoors). Did you (Josh, anyway) see this one when you were there?

    (Feel free to zap the link if you think it’s inappropriate)

    1. How funny! Thanks for the comment and link to the photo Suzanne! The signs are pretty hilarious, but I don’t think Josh saw that one. He would have definitely mentioned it to me. Thanks for the comment and for checking out the video. Cheers!

      – Liz

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